At Snowbell Realtors Land Limited, we properly understand the risks associated with valuation practice and the implications of professional negligence. In view of this before submission of any valuation report or due diligence report, we meticulously ascertain the following especially for mortgage & Purchase purposes.
Our Turn-around-Time is usually (3-5) working days in carrying out an usual valuation assignment. However, where there are delays in execution of instructions from the client due to unavailability or unavoidable delays in obtaining some vital documents (mainly official searches and maps), we communicate appropriately and promptly to the client while we expedite the necessary course of action.
Our professional fees are based on Valuers Scale of Fees as contained in the Valuers Act Cap 532 of the laws of Kenya, plus disbursements based on mileage, incidental costs and other relevant government taxes. However, this is after mutual agreement between ourselves and the clients.
At snowbell Realtors Land Limited, we pride ourselves in offering our clients the highest quality of service. Our members are exceptionally trained in all aspects of Property Valuation, Property Management, Project Management, Property Agency, Asset Audit, Due Diligence Survey and best compliance with the relevant statutory regulations and requirements.